3389 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra VA 22963 CunninghamUMCPastor@gmail.com 434-591-1363

United Methodist Men

Our purpose is to declare the centrality of Christ in every man’s life and model the servant leadership of Jesus.


Cunningham’s United Methodist Men began as an outgrowth of a monthly men’s luncheon at a local restaurant. In the spring of 2007, Emerson Shelton, then pastor of Cunningham, suggested that we form our own UMM group. In May, with a president, treasurer, and several charter members, we had our first meeting. The group decided that the youth of the community would be a priority for us. It was a simple statement with far-reaching implications.


The United Methodist Men usually meet on the 1st Tuesday of the month in the Church fellowship hall. Our meetings begin at 6:30 pm with a meal, followed by a devotional program and a business discussion.


All men of the Church who wish to grow in their faith and make our youth a priority are welcomed.


Cunningham’s United Methodist Men have financially assisted youth wanting to attend summer camp and retreats at Camp Westview-on-the-James in Goochland County. We have also given scholarships to graduating seniors and sponsored many activities for our kids. Early in 2023 the Men hosted several congregational and community food and fellowship events, such as a Chili & Pie Supper and Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner. We also host a Fall Yard Sale.

For more information about the Cunningham UMM, please contact:

Richard Payne

John Mann